martes, 28 de marzo de 2017

ICT in the service of multiculturalism

Image result for multiculturalism
There is a Contact Hypothesis that search the conditions for successful contact between two or more groups with different cultures.

1. Equal-group status within the situation
2. Common goals
3. Intergroup cooperation
4. Institutional goals

Pettigrew and Tropp stipulated that one of the basic requirements for successful contact between cultures is cooperation and collaboration
 Image result for multiculturalism

Problems applying the contact hypothesis

1. Logistic of group meetings
2. The need to  meet with another group from a nearby or easily accessible geographical area
3. Growing transportation cost


The Online Inter-Group Contact Hypothesis is based on an extension of the contact hypothesis trying to adapt the original contact with the new technologies.

In order to this model to work is needed certain conditions:
    Image result for multiculturalism
  • Be fully supported 
  • Involve collaboration
  • Deal with general subjects and not with conflicts
  • Be be based on a need for participant collaboration rather than competition 
  • Ensure participants have equal status
  • Progress gradually

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